Jocale's Tips for Care

Our jewellery is made from high quality, durable materials and will last for a long time when
properly cared for.

We recommend following these tips to preserve your jewellery and increase its lifespan:

When wearing your jewellery, it's fine to shower, swim, or even exercise with your jewellery
on. This should not damage the jewellery if the below care tips are followed properly. We
suggest rinsing your jewellery in cool water after every few wears, or alternatively (and to
make your life simpler), showering with your jewellery on. This will clean your jewellery
and preserve its shine, washing off any dirt, oils, and chemicals from the surface of your
jewellery. Afterwards, dry the jewellery with a soft non-abrasive cloth.

When storing your jewellery, try to keep each item of jewellery in its own satin bag or in a
jewellery box, separately from jewellery made of other metals. This avoids abrasion caused
by items of jewellery rubbing against each other. Do not store the jewellery anywhere damp.

When cleaning your jewellery, use a soft non-abrasive cloth. It is best to clean your
jewellery after every wear to ensure it lasts longer, and keeps its signature shine! If you
haven’t got one yet, ask us for a complimentary jewellery cloth with your next order.